Adverse effects of grinding teeth while sleeping
Are you looking for additional information about the negative consequences of grinding your teeth?
If you are suffering from teeth grinding which is also known as bruxism or teeth clenching, then you should be aware of the negative consequences of this disorder. This is particularly true if you believe you’re experiencing one or more of the numerous adverse effects that can be associated when you grind your teeth.
Because everyone is unique and different, you might suffer from a different type of reaction as compared to someone else. It’s all about when and how often you grind your teeth.
About bruxism
The reason for grinding the teeth remains somewhat unknown. It is believed to be directly linked to a physical or mental element that takes place throughout their lives.
But, who are the people who tend to have a greater chance of being diagnosed with the condition?
Dentists have the opinion that people who are stressed or suffering from an excessive amount of anxiety are more likely to fall victim. Additionally, you may have a teeth grinding problem if you are taking certain psychiatric drugs and are extremely competitive, or suffer from a mental health issue.
Teeth grinding side effects
There are many negative effects that someone grinding their teeth might suffer. A lot of people who grind their teeth do so unknowingly, which is why you should consult a dentist if you suffer from one or more of these symptoms.
Soreness in Jaw
Soreness in the jaw, pain, and stiffness are all common symptoms that result from grinding your teeth. The soreness is caused by the constant pressure applied to your jaw and the muscles surrounding it.
Teeth that are worn down
Your teeth can withstand an amount of force whenever you grind or squeeze. After prolonged periods of grinding or clenching, your teeth show evidence of wear and tear. They could break, loosen, or even wear down. There is a possibility that you will begin showing indications of tooth decay as grinding can damage the enamel.
Chronic migraines, headaches that change and dull pains are all common results of grinding your teeth.
Unable to sleep
A lot of people clench or grind while sleeping. However, it’s possible for bruxism to disrupt the ability to sleep throughout the night.
Ear pain
Ear pains are a usual result of grinding teeth. The affected joints are located near the ear canals, and the pain could radiate from the area.
Treatment of these adverse effects
It is possible to stop teeth grinding by using a variety of methods. The dentist can give mouth guards to those who grind their teeth or clench during the night. Alternative approaches including stress-relief techniques may also help to decrease jaw grinding.
Do you grind your teeth?
The delay in treatment for teeth grinding can lead to more damage and pain. This may appear to be an issue that is not serious however, extreme cases could cause extreme harm.
Contact our dentist soon if you are experiencing teeth grinding to address the problem as soon as possible.